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About Amega - Products, Technology and Opportunities

Amega Global
Amega Global is a leader in Wellness & Energy Products and E-Commerce Network Marketing. Amega Global designs, develops, and manufactures most of its wellness products and distributes them directly via the Network Marketing Business Model. All of the energy based products are manufactured in our own manufacturing facilities in South Korea, Singapore, Malaysia and Australia applying our very own proprietary technology.

Amega Philosophy
Your health only suffers when your birth right of natural balance and wellnes is disrupted, disturbed, or destroyed. Unfortunately, modern living has made these problems commonplace. Most People today are not enjoying optimal health and wellbeing.

Amega Global's products, backed by over 25 years of R&D supports Wellness Care which is a must in Today's world..

Amega's products are an offshoot of Ancient natural therapeutic wisdom and applying Futuristic Technology in the Area of Quantum Physics to support Individuals with Natural Energies to eliminate stress and increase their immunity.

Wellness Energy Range
Amega Wellness Energy
Personal Care Range
Ega Age Defiance

Nutritional Supplements
(Officially launceh in Singapore on 26th Jun 2009 - For more details, please email at
Environmental Wellness

You can benefit in 2 ways with Amega. You can enhance your health and attain well being through the usage and consumption of AMEGA Products. Also, you can join us in a business venture. For more details, you may email at Alteratively, visit our homepage.

If you would like a no-obligation meeting session to be arranged, also contact via email at Our team of advisors and mentors are always at your service.
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